The Characteristics of a Green Sea Turtle

An average adult Green turtle its normally three to four feet long and they weigh between 240 to 420 pounds.  These sea turtles can live up to 100 years old but only some start giving birth at the age of twenty and a lot could go wrong in twenty years.

The Green sea turtle has a delicate diet which does not include plastic bags or anything near resembling plastic bags like jelly fish. This turtle is only carnivorous at the start of its life, mostly feeding on worms, crustaceans, aquatic insects, grasses and algae. Then when it gets a little older up to around 8 to 10 inches it will become a herbivore, this is when it starts to feed on sea grass and algae which the turtles will do until they die. The chewing will also be helped by serrated teeth that will grow in. These turtles love to live in sheltered bays, coastline and around islands.  Every two years they will nest over a period of sixty days for three to five times laying around 115 eggs total. Green turtles are usually found in temperate and tropical waters around the world and can be easily spotted by there small blunt head breaching the surface for air. One of their physical characteristics are the single pair of prefrontal scales which are there scales in front of there eyes, most turtle will have two pairs of prefrontal scales but the green turtle has a unique characteristic in that sense.  The green turtle also has a more compressed (flattened) and oval shaped body then the Pacific Green turtle so it makes it easier to differentiate the two.  Also all flippers have one visible claw and the green sea turtle can be many colors, ranging from dark green to yellow and as well as brown.

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