Climate Change Effecting Sea Turtles

Sea turtles will be greatly effected by climate change and if this were to happen there whole species could go extinct, over a long period of time that is. If the polar ice caps were to keep melting because the global temperature is getting hotter some of the nesting grounds would be destroy. If the nesting grounds were destroyed the turtles from those beaches would be utterly confused because they have a magnetic map in there mind of where they were hatched, so the turtles would not lay eggs until they could figure out an alternative. Even when they find a better nesting ground and laid eggs they gender would mostly be uneven because the warmer eggs near the top of the hole are most likely female and the bottom ones are most likely to be male, but when the ground heats up because of global warming there will them be a greater chance for females to be born. Also with the rising of temperatures coral reefs will start to die off, leading to an extinction of species who feed off of the coral like the worms, aquatic insects and crustaceans . In return the turtles who feed off of the organisms as hatchlings won’t have food to survive and the turtle species will die off.

Although this sounds terrifying there is still a lot we can do to help prevent this from happening, like finding more environmental ways of energy like solar panels, wind mills or even ocean current.  Ocean current is a way in B.C. that you can get a lot of energy but it is barely used, by placing a turbine at the bottom of a straight where the current is strong you can generate power to batteries to store. Also energy efficient light bulbs will work just as good as normal light bulbs just will save the environment little by little.  If you live in a place where there is sea turtle hatching you could plant vegetation for the hatchlings to insure there getting the proper nutrition the need.

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